About Me

Monday, November 4, 2019

Her 4th birthday!
We had a small party planned for her this year,
inviting only three more kids because she was turning four.
The party itself was neither big nor elaborated,
but it was very nice (oh, even four kids can make a huge mess though!).
I have prepared a crown (needle felted) for my daughter,
small goodies for friends, and a lot of crafts for everyone.
Since my daughter couldn't decide only one theme,
we had unicorn, rainbow and princess in mind.
Kids made each a rainbow coloured bracelet and
a felt wand and wore a rainbow princess skirt in the party, which was so cute.
The preparations took me a lot of time and money,
and it was quite an exciting day for all of us,
 but our daughter was surely aware of her special day and was so so happy.
It was all worth it.


  1. 遅れてしまったけれど、お誕生日おめでとう〜♡
    もう4歳?! うひゃぁ。早いっ。 どの歳もかわいい年頃だけれど、4歳っていうと一緒に楽しい会話ができるようになって、愛情の表現もストレートであふれていて。。。かわいいんだろうなぁ〜。
    いつにも増してクリエイティブでチャーミングなお誕生日! お友だちひとりひとりにもサプライズが用意されているパーティ。素敵〜。 元気いっぱいの4歳にな〜れ!

    p.s. なぜだか今まで(また)写真が見れなかったのー。やっと見れた(嬉しい)

    1. Paprica-san,
      time flies! I cannot believe she is four. She'll be going to kinder next fall and I'm already sad about that.
      Thank you your kind comment! I think she had a nice birthday!


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